About The Census
Media Room
Jobs Available
Resources & Links
everyone counts in weakley county
Once per decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States, creating national awareness of the importance of the census and its valuable statistics. The census not only counts our population and households, it provides the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually to support states, counties and communities’ vital programs — impacting housing, education, transportation, employment, health care and public policy.
The next census kicks off on April 1, 2020. Data collected in the U.S. Census brings the right amount of federal money to your local community for local programs that help you and your neighbors. For every household that doesn’t get counted, we lose $39,000 over a 10-year period.
Count Me In Weakley is Weakley County, Tennessee's Census 2020 awareness campaign to educate residents about the importance of being counted in the 2020 Census, and how to be counted. This site will keep you informed as we get closer to April 1, 2020.
Quick Facts About The Importance of the Census - The Cost of An Incomplete Count
The next census kicks off on April 1, 2020. Data collected in the U.S. Census brings the right amount of federal money to your local community for local programs that help you and your neighbors. For every household that doesn’t get counted, we lose $39,000 over a 10-year period.
Count Me In Weakley is Weakley County, Tennessee's Census 2020 awareness campaign to educate residents about the importance of being counted in the 2020 Census, and how to be counted. This site will keep you informed as we get closer to April 1, 2020.
Quick Facts About The Importance of the Census - The Cost of An Incomplete Count
- There are 300 federal programs allocated $675 Billion per year on census driven data (Decennial and the American Community Survey)
- In 2015, 37 out of 50 states received a majority of their funding from federal dollars in 5 major programs
► Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
► Medicaid (Traditional and Part D)
► Title IV-E Foster Care
► Title IV-E Adoption Assistance
► Child Care and Development Fund - Funds loss per person range from a low of $533 in Utah to $2,309 in Vermont
- Tennessee was the median state
- Federal Funds Loss per person in Tennessee are estimated to be $1,091 per person not counted in the census
- Every 1% of population in Tennessee under-counted reduces funding by $69,205,364
our partners
Partners from across Weakley County have joined forces to create a Complete Count Committee (CCC) made up of individuals, organizations, and entities all dedicated to educating the community on the importance of participating in the census.
CCC partners include:
Interested in being a partner with the Weakley County CCC?
► 8/20/2018 - Weakley County Counts The 2020 Census - The Dresden Enterprise
► 7/30/19 - 'Millions of dollars at stake': Knox leaders ramp up efforts for Census participation - Knox News
► 7/24/19 - Census Debuts Stats Site For Students - Shelbyville Times Gazette
► 7/6/19 - Volunteers Needed At Census Bureau as Census Approaches - Winchester Herald Chronicle
► 7/24/19 - Census Debuts Stats Site For Students - Shelbyville Times Gazette
► 7/6/19 - Volunteers Needed At Census Bureau as Census Approaches - Winchester Herald Chronicle
► 8/1/2019 - Schools To Teach About 2020 Census - Dodge City Kansas Daily Globe
► 7/25/2019 - 2020 U.S. Census: 8 Things You Need To Know - NBC Philadelphia
► 7/24/2019 - Concerns Linger That Non-Citizens Will Not Fill Out Census - NPR News
► 7/25/2019 - 2020 U.S. Census: 8 Things You Need To Know - NBC Philadelphia
► 7/24/2019 - Concerns Linger That Non-Citizens Will Not Fill Out Census - NPR News
In Weakley County, Census jobs are starting at $14 per hour! Join the Weakley County 2020 Census Team.
Great Weekly Pay • Flexible Hours • Paid Training
For more information or help applying - please call 1-855-JOB-2020 (1-855-562-2020).
Great Weekly Pay • Flexible Hours • Paid Training
For more information or help applying - please call 1-855-JOB-2020 (1-855-562-2020).
U.S. Census resources and Links
According to a study called Counting For Dollars 2020 done by the GW Institute of Public Policy, in 2016 Tennessee received $17,298,449,635 through 55 federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census.
You can see the entire study LINKED HERE.
You can see the entire study LINKED HERE.