If you have any questions regarding Weakley County Circuit Court and General Sessions Courts, please call (731) 364-3455. Some matters can be completed online. Please see those below:
- Print various filings and forms at this link: http://tncourts.gov/administration/judicial-resources/forms-documents/court-forms
- Local rules for attorneys and law firms at this link: http://tncourts.gov/sites/default/files/docs/27th_jd_chancery__cicruit_local_rules_2019sept23_final.pd
- Circuit Court and General Sessions Office staff accepts payments by phone with a debit/credit card with an applicable fee of $3 or 3% - whichever is greater.
- Questions? Call (731) 364-3455, or email [email protected]
Weakley County Circuit Court Fees
Below is a listing of the civil warrants and fees required to file a civil case in General Sessions Court.
For Filing a Civil Case in General Sessions Court Fee:
- Civil Warrants $171.50
- Detinue Warrants $171.50
- Civil Summons $171.50
- Detainer Warrants $171.50
- Alias $52.00
- New Suits Without Service $119.50
- Additional Defendants on all Civil Cases $52.00
- Order of Protection $236.50
- Writ of Possession $77.00
- Subpoenas $58.00
- Garnishment $67.00
- Bank Levy $77.00
- Show Cause $77.00
- Certified Copy $5.00
- Acts of Congress $10.00
- Substitution of Counsel $2.00
- Copy $0.50
- Slow Pay Motion $25.00
List updated 9/17/24
For more information concerning any fees, contact the Circuit Court Clerk's Office at 731-364-2003.
Weakley County Circuit Court Clerk
Courtney McMinn
116 W. Main St. Room 203
Dresden, TN 38225
[email protected]
731-364-3455 (p) • 731-364-6765 (fax)
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M - F
Courtney McMinn
116 W. Main St. Room 203
Dresden, TN 38225
[email protected]
731-364-3455 (p) • 731-364-6765 (fax)
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M - F