The Weakley County Rules Committee is the committee responsible for recommending revisions to the rules that regulate the procedures of the Weakley County Board of County Commissioners. In accordance with the Weakley County Rules of the Commission, revised on September 16, 2019: At its July meeting, the Board of County Commissioners shall elect nine (9) members of the Board of Commissioners to serve as a Rules Committee. No more than one member can be selected from any commission district. This Committee may recommend, at the first meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on or after September 1st of each year, the nominations for Chairperson and Chairperson pro tempore of the Weakley County Commission. If no recommendations are made, nominations for these positions shall be made from the floor. The Committee shall also make nominations for each Standing and Other Committees and to fill other positions as required by law and these rules. Nominations may also be made from the floor and the Board of Commissioners shall vote on the nominations. The person nominated for Chairperson, Chairperson pro tempore and persons nominated for each committee or other position receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. The Rules Committee shall also have responsibility to consider and recommend a reapportionment plan for Weakley County to ensure that the county legislative body, and the board of education are properly and legally apportioned as required by law. The committee shall recommend a plan based on the most recent federal census data available no later than December 31 of the year this information first becomes available. The committee may also recommend a reapportionment plan to the full commission at other times as deemed necessary and appropriate by the committee or at the request of the full commission. A request from the full commission shall be made by majority vote of the full membership of the commission.
weakley county RULES committee minutes
Weakley County Government's Fiscal Year begins on July 1st of each year and ends on June 30th of the following year, and the minutes provided here are displayed accordingly. To report an error, please email the webmaster: [email protected]
2024-2025 FY
- September 3, 2024
- January 6, 2025 (coming soon)
2022-2023 FY
2021-2022 FY
2020-2021 FY
2019-2020 FY
- September 3, 2019
- February 12, 2020
2018-2019 FY
2017-2018 FY
2016-2017 FY
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