Commission Minutes
- July 7, 1979
- October 8, 1979
- January 21, 1980
- April 21, 1980
Commission Agendas
- July 7, 1979
- October 8, 1979
- January 21, 1980
- April 21, 1980
July 9, 1979
- #1979-29 - Resolution calling on congress to re-enact the General Revenue Sharing Program.
- #1979-30 - Resolution creating insurance study committee.
- #1979-31 - Weakley County Beer regulations
- #1979-32 - Resolution to implement and enforce the Motor Vehicle Privilege Tax in Weakley County.
- #1979-33 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1980.
- #1979-34 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979.
- #1979-35 - Resolution providing the details of $1,800,000 School bonds, Series 1979, of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing and directing the sale thereof, and levying taxes for the payment thereof.
October 8, 1979
- #1979-36 - Resolution to amend the General Fund and Debt Service Budget of Weakley County for the FY 1979-80.
- #1979-37 - Resolution to amend the rules regulating the procedures of the Weakley County Board of County Commissioners.
- #1979-38 - Right of way agreement for public roads in Weakley County.
- #1979-40 - Resolution to appoint a special deputy sheriff for a particular purpose.
- #1979-42 - Industrial Highway Act of 1959.
January 21, 1980
- #1980-01 - Resolution to amend the Weakley County General Fund for FY 1979-1980.
- #1980-02 - Resolution to establish constable districts for the election of constables in Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1980-03 - Resolution of the legislative body of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing highway bridge capital outlay notes not to exceed the sum of $100,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1980-04 - Amendment to road closing of road in 25th district.
- #1980-05 - Budget Amendments General Purpose School Fund.
- #1980-06 - Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the issuance of interest bearing school bond anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed $700,000 and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1980-08 - Resolution regarding the Department of Transportation, State of Tennessee, Proposal Project No. 92005-2215-04.
April 21, 1980
- #1980-09 - 1980-81 Tentative budget for the Weakley County General Fund, Weakley County Highway Department, Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and Debt Service Fund.
- #1980-10 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School
- #1980-11 - Resolution condemning the hunting of deer in Weakley County with rifles.
- #1980-12 - Resolution to amend the Weakley County Debt Service and General Fund 1979-80 Revenue and Appropriation Budget.
- #1980-13 - Resolution to amend the 1979-80 Weakley County Highway Department Budget.
- #1980-14 - Resolution to amend the existing Motor Ambulance Service contract between the Weakley County Legislative Body and Emergency Ambulance.
- #1980-15 - Resolution to Commit County Funds for one-half of 20% matching funds for an off-system bridge to be built joint with Carroll County.
- #1980-16 - Resolution authorizing an application for an energy conservation retro-fit grant from the institute for public service, the University of Tennessee and assuring compliance with regulations related to the use of federal funds.
Commission minutes
- July 7, 1979
- October 8, 1979
- January 21, 1980
- April 21, 1980
Commission Agendas
- July 7, 1979
- October 8, 1979
- January 21, 1980
- April 21, 1980
July 10, 1978
- #1978-17 - Resolution to amend the existing motor ambulance service contract between the Weakley County Quarterly Court and Emergency Ambulance Service.
- #1978-18 - Resolution terminating cost-of-living retirement benefit provisions for Weakley County Employees.
- #1978-19 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979.
- #1978-20 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978.
October 2, 1978
- #1978-23 - Title I, 81-874 Low Rent Housing Project
- #1978-24 - Budget Amendments - Federal Project Fund
- #1978-25 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 Budget Appropriation Resolution (#1978-79) for Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1978-27 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 General Purpose School Fund.
- #1978-28 - Resolution to add additional mileage to the Weakley County Rural Road System.
- #1978-29 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
January 8, 1978
- #1979-01 - Resolution authorizing the property and Property Maintenance Committee of the Weakley County Board of County Commissioners to employ an Insurance Consultant for Weakley County and to amend the 1978-79 General Fund Budget to support this program.
- #1979-02 - An acct to amend Chapter 640 of the Private Acts of 1949 as amended, relative to the Weakley County Highway Commission.
- #1979-03 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1979-04 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 FY General Fund Budget.
- #1979-05 - Resolution authorizing the posting of weight limits on county roads and bridges and establishing rules and regulations for a permit system for Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1979-06 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 FY General Fund Budget to authorize the Sheriff's Department to employ a records clerk.
- #1979-07 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-08 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-09 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-10 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-11 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-12 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-13 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-14 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-15 - Resolution to adopt a contract with a bank for the deposit of county funds.
- #1979-16 - Resolution to restrict the sale of beer near residential dwellings.
March 5, 1979
- #1979-17 - Resolution of Weakley County Board of County Commissioners authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1979-18 - Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the issuance of interest bearing highway construction bond anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed $200,000 and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1979-19 - Authorization of capital outlay notes for highway construction.
- #1979-20 - Resolution to levy a county-wide motor vehicle tax.
- #1979-21 - $500 appropriated from the Weakley County General Fund for the purpose of securing an attorney at law.
- #1979-22 - 1979-80 Tentative Budget for the Weakley County General Fund, Weakley County Highway Department Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and Debt Service.
- #1979-23 - General Purpose School Fund Department of Education : 1979-80
- #1979-24 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 FY General Fund and Debt Service Budget.
- #1979-25 - Resolution to amend the 1978-79 Weakley County Highway Department Budget.
- #1979-26 - Budget Amendments - 1978-79 Federal Project Fund.
- #1979-27 - Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Weakley County, Tennessee, approving Chapter 60, Private Acts of 1979.
- #1979-28 - Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorized the issuance of interest bearing school bond anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed $1,50 and providing for the payment of said notes.
Commission minutes
- July 11, 1977
- October 10, 1977
- January 3, 1978
- April 10, 1978
commission agendas
July 11, 1977
October 10, 1977
January 3, 1978
October 10, 1977
January 3, 1978
- April 10, 1978
July 11, 1977
- #1977-22 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977 and ending June 30, 1978.
- #1977-23 - Budget
- #1977-24 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing garage building capital outlay notes not to exceed the sum of $150,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1977-25 - Resolution to participate in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System with respect to the employees of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1977-26 - Resolution to fix the Jailer's fee of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1977-27 - Resolution to amend Resolution 1976-10, as amended, relative to the identification and classification of the public roads of Weakley County pursuant to provisions of Sections 54-903 and 54-904, Tennessee Code Annotated.
- #1977-28 - Resolution to close and relocate the road known as Sand Hill Church Road located in the 10th Civil District of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1977-29 - Resolution to prohibit the elected sheriff from residing in the living quarters now provided at the county jail effective September 1, 1978.
October 10, 1977
- #1977-30 - Resolution of Governing Board
- #1977-31 - A resolution to reapportion the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1977-32 - Resolution to amend the Appropriation Budget of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 1977-78.
- #1977-33 - Resolution to amend the 1977-78 Fiscal Year General Fund Budget Reference to Ambulance Service for Weakley County.
- #1977-34 - Resolution to place all county officers under provisions of section 8-2204, Tennessee Code Annotated.
- #1977-35 - Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative Action Plan.
- #1977-36 - Resolution to amend the 1977-78 FY General Fund Budget.
- #1977-37 - Resolution to establish the Regular Office Hours for several offices located within the Weakley County Courthouse.
- #1977-38 - Resolution to amend Resolution #28 approved on July 11, 1977.
- #1977-39 - Resolution providing the details of $1,000,000 school bonds, series 1977, of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing and directing the sale thereof and levying taxes to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds.
January 3, 1978
April 10, 1978
- #1978-09 - Resolution to amend the 1977-78 Weakley County Highway Department Budget.
- #1978-10 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1978-11 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing highway capital outlay notes not to exceed the sum of $700,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1978-12 - Resolution to amend the 1977-78 Weakley County Highway Department Budget.
- #1978-13 - Resolution to amend the 1977-78 Weakley County Highway Department Budget.
- #1978-14 - Resolution to amend Resolution #1978-03.
- #1978-15 - 1978-79 Tentative budget for the Weakley County General Fund and the Weakley County Highway Department.
- #1978-16 - Weakley County Quarterly Court Budget Committee Approval.
Commission Minutes
- July 1976
- October 11, 1976
- January 10, 1977
- April 11, 1977
commission agendas
- July 1976
- October 11, 1976
- January 10, 1977
- April 11, 1977
July 1976
- Resolution No. 1976-25 through 1976-36 Omitted.
- #1976-37 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-38 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-39 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1975-76.
- #1976-40 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee to amend the 1975-76 County General and Highway fund budgets.
- #1976-41 - Resolution establishing Jailer's fees.
- #1976-42 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the issuance of interest bearing Weakley County Nursing Home Capital outlay notes not to exceed $50,000 and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1976-43 - Resolution requesting county officials and department heads to review office personnel and procedures and request the State Comptroller's office to prepare an employee's hand book.
- #1976-44 - Resolution before the Weakley County Quarterly Court
- #1976 - 45 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 and ending June 30, 1977.
- #1976-46 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976.
- #1976-47 - Resolution to amend the 1976-77 Weakley County Highway Fund Budget.
- #1976-48 - Resolution to amend the 1976-77 General Fund Budget of Weakley County, Tennessee.
October 11, 1976
- #1976-49 - Resolution to amend the General Fund for Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1976-50 - Weakley County Nursing Home
- #1976-51 - Division of Property Assessments.
- #1976-52 - Budget Amendments - 1976-77 General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-53 - Budget Amendments - 1976-77 General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-54 - Resolution to amend the 1976-77 Weakley County General Fund.
- #1976-55 - Road Closure - Charlie Damron Road
- #1976-56 - Weakley County Highway Department - Application for addition the Weakley County Road System
January 10, 1977
- #1977-01 - Resolution including a report and recommendation from the Weakley County Quarterly Court Property and Property Maintenance Committee concerning construction projects in the Weakley County Government.
- #1977-02 - Resolution to authorize and appropriate funds for an actuarial study.
- #1977-03 - Resolution to amend the Appropriation Budget of the General Fund for the fiscal year 1976-77.
- #1977-05 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1976-77.
- #1977-06 - Budget Amendments - Weakley County General Fund
- #1977-07 - Budget Amendments - General Fund Budget (Ambulance Service)
April 11, 1977
- #1977-08 - Budget Amendments - Weakley County Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund
- #1977-09 - Budget Amendments - General Fund Budget
- #1977-10 - Resolution authorizing the County Judge to contract with the state of Tennessee, Department of Employment Security.
- #1977-11 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal year 1976-77.
- #1977-12 - Local sales and use tax.
- #1977-13 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1977-14 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1977-15 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1977-16 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1977-20 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, relative to the assessment of tangible personal property.
Commission Minutes
Commission Agendas
- July 14, 1975
- October 1975
- January 12, 1976
- April 1976
July 14, 1975
- #1975-23 - Resolution to establish a Weakley County Commission on aging.
- #1975-25 - Budget Amendments - 1974-75 General Fund
- #1975-26 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1975-27 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 and ending June 30, 1976.
- #1975-28 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975.
- #1975-29 - Resolution declaring the Weakley County Jail a workhouse.
- #1975-30 - Resolution to authorize Martin to prepare the area wide facility plan
October 1975
- #1975-31 - Budget Amendments - Weakley County Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund
- #1975-32 - Resolution to allow deposit of driver's license in lieu of bail for certain traffic violations.
- #1975-33 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, to fill a vacancy on the board of education.
- #1975-34 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, TN to dissolve the Weakley County Ambulance Authority, creating an ambulance committee and appointing members to the court.
- #1975-35 - Salary increase 2 1/2%.
- #1975-36 - Resolution to request legislation levying a wheel tax.
January 12, 1976
- #1976-01 - County assurance with regard to equal employment opportunity on federal-aid secondary projects being constructed by the county as required by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968.
- #1976-02 - Resolution to adjust the 1975-76 Appropriation Budget for Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1976-03 - Resolution to amend anticipated Fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County General Fund Budget for the fiscal year 1975-76.
- #1976-05 - Weakley County Nursing Home Committee Meeting
- #1976-06 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Funds
- #1976-07 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1976-08 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-09 - Resolution in memory of R.Y. Bushart.
- #1976-10 - Resolution to identify and to classify the public roads of Weakley County pursuant to provisions of Sections 54-903 and 54-904, Tennessee Code annotated.
- #1976-11 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund.
- #1976-12 - Weakley County Referendum on wheel tax.
- #1976-13 - Sum of $1250 for the Committee to use as an advertisement on the referendum.
April 1976
- 1976-14 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1976-15 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1976-16 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1976-17 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1975-1976.
- #1976-19 - Resolution to support federal legislation of increasing federal estate tax exemption.
- #1976-20 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability, appropriations and adjustments of the Weakley County General Fund for fiscal year 1975-76.
- #1976-21 - Budget Amendments - County General Fund Budget
- #1976-22 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, to request the election commission of Weakley County to reduce the number of voting precincts in the county.
- #1976-24 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, to require certain reports from certain county officials.
Commission minutes
commission agendas
- July 8, 1974
- October 1974
- January 1975
- April 1975
July 8, 1974
- #1974-19 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975.
- #1974-20 - Resolution fixing the Tax Levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974.
- #1974-21 - Resolution authorizing the creation of the health and educational facilities of Weakley County, Tennessee, and approving the form of the certificate of incorporation of such corporation.
- #1974-22 - Resolution in the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee so as to provide for the maintenance of certain rural roads.
- #1974-23 - Resolution to appropriate from the funds of the County General, General Purpose School and Nursing Home Funds such amount or amounts as may be required to pay for the services of an actuary in determining the cost of said funds with respect to the employees of Weakley County participating in the Tennessee consolidated retirement system.
- #1974-24 - Resolution electing directions for the health and educational facilities board of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1974-25 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the General Fund for the fiscal year 1974-1975 of Weakley County, Tennessee.
October 1974
January 1975
- #1975-01 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1975-02 - Budget Amendments - General Fund
- #1975-03 - Resolution to increase the salary of Weakley County Veterans Service Officer.
- #1975-04 - Resolution by the quarterly court of Weakley County, Tennessee concerning 201 planning for wastewater treatment facilities for the city of Sharon.
- #1975-05 - Budget Amendments - General Fund
- #1975-06 - Budget Amendments - General Fund
- #1975-07 - Resolution in support of a planned installation, known as an "Agriculture Pavillion," to be constructed on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Martin in Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1975-08 - Weakley County, Tennessee Tentative Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976.
April 1975
- #1975-09 - 1975 - 1976 Tentative Budget
- #1975-10 - Weakley County School System detailed expenditure budget by funds for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 1975 and ending on June 1976.
- #1975-11 - Resolution to convey land now owned by Weakley County, Tennessee to the Weakley County Board of Education.
- #1975-12 -
- #1975-13 - Resolution to install a ventilation system in the Weakley County Jail.
- #1975-14 - Resolution to place the responsibility in the Weakley County quarterly for the employment and dismissal of Deputy Sheriffs within the Weakley County Sheriff's Department.
- #1975-15 -
- #1975-16 - Resolution to provide for appointment of emergency interim successors to local offices.
- #1975-17 -
- #1975-18 - Resolution to amend 1974-75 Budget
- #1975-19 - Designation of applicant's local agent.
- #1975-20 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing highway capital outlay notes not to exceed the sum of $250,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the payment of said notes.
- #1975-21 - Obion and Forked Deer River bottoms
- #1975-22 - Resolution to void existing contract between Weakley County and Leon Chism, doing business as, Interne Ambulance Service.
commission minutes
commission agendas
- July 9, 1973
- October 1973
- January 1974
- April 1974
July 9, 1973
- #1973-12 - Resolution by the Weakley County Quarterly Court of Weakley County, Tennessee, Assembled the 9th day of July 1973.
- #1973-13 - Per Diem compensation for members of Weakley County Quarterly Court attendance.
- #1973-14 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, office and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973 and ending June 30, 1974.
- #1973-15 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973.
- #1973-16 - Public Acts of the General Assembly of 1972 Section 8-2507.
- #1973-17 - Public Act Chapter No. 806, Senate Bill No. 1727
- #1973-18 - Weakley County Superintendent Schools appointed to office by Weakley County School Board or elected by popular vote.
October 1973
- #1973-19 - Budget Amendments - 1973-1974 Budget
- #1973-20 - Resolution to amend the 1973-74 Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund.
- #1973-21 - Resolution to amend 1973-74 General Fund Budget.
- #1973-22 - Resolution to establish a Weakley County Rural Road Plan for road maintenance only.
- #1973-23 - Proposal of the Department of Transportation of the State of Tennessee to the County of Weakley, Tennessee.
January 1974
- #1974-01 - Budget Amendments - General Fund Budget
- #1974-02 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund
- #1974-03 - Resolution to exempt the Government of Weakley County from the provisions of the Tennessee Governments Tort Liability Act of 1973.
- #1974-04 - Resolution calling for Weakley County, Tennessee to participate in the regional law enforcement programs being performed by the Northwest Regional Law Enforcement Planning Commission.
- #1974-05 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of an interest bearing capital outlay note in an amount not to exceed $43,360.00 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the retirement of said note.
- #1974-06 - Resolution to expand the Weakley County Law Enforcement Program
- #1974-07 - Budget Amendments - General Fund Budget
- #1974-08 - Resolution to establish a permanent Board of Health to foster, develop, and coordinate a comprehensive health program for Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1974-09 - Resolution to create a permanent Board of Heath of Weakley County, Tennessee
March 1974
- #1974-10 - Budget Amendments - Unappropriated General Fund Budget.
- #1974-11 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1973-74.
- #1974-12 - Resolution to appropriate from the funds of the Weakley County General Fund
- #1974-13 - Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee Agriculture Extension Service Program in Weakley County.
- #1974-14 - Resignation request from Constable Ronald Legans.
- #1974-15 - Resolution for the appropriation of an amount not exceeding two hundred dollars, to be used for the purpose of acquiring distinctive uniforms which shall be used and/or worn by the officers of the Sheriff's Department.
- #1974-16 - Residents and taxpayers and voters in Weakley County requesting repair of bridge on Cotton Creek Road.
- #1974-18 - Tennessee Department of Transportation has proposed to Weakley County, Tennessee, the construction of a road identified as Project No. F-005-3 (21) - (92--3-2217-14).
commission minutes
commission agendas
- July 1972
- October 12, 1972
- January 1973
- April 1973
July 1972
- #1972-13 - Budget Amendments - County Highway Department
- #1972-14 - Private Chapter No. 379, House Bill No. 2521 by Bates, Mcwherter
- #1972-15 - 1972-1973 Budget Amendment Recommendations.
- #1972-16 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972 and ending June 30, 1973.
- #1972-17 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee, for the Fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972.
- #1972-18 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing capital outlay notes in an amount not to exceed $100,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee and providing for the retirement of said notes.
- #1972-19 - The Weakley County Quarterly Court authorized the Health, Education, and Welfare committee.
October 12, 1972
January 1973
- #1973-01 - Resolution requesting that West Tennessee to be included in the feasibility study for proposed highway from Kansas City, Missouri to Jacksonville, Florida.
- #1973-02 - Local Government Platform
- #1973-03 - Delinquent Gleason Special School taxes on tract of land.
- #1973-04 - Budget Amendments - General Purpose School Fund in Maintenance of Plant and Fixed Charges.
April 1973
- #1973-05 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for Fiscal 1972-73.
- #1973-06 - Resolution to amend 1972-73 Budget.
- #1973-08 - Resolution authorizing capital expenditures not exceeding $30,000 of Weakley County Federal revenue sharing funds by Weakley County, Tennessee for the repair and/or renovation of the Weakley County Courthouse building.
- #1973-09 - Resolution to establish a courthouse renovation committee.
- #1973-10 - Resolution of the Weakley County Quarterly Court memorializing the City of Martin, Tennessee.
- #1973-11 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1972-73.
Commission minutes
Commission agendas
- July 1971
- October 1971
- January 1972
- April 1972
January 1971
- #1971-13 - Budget Amendments - County Highway Department
- #1971-14 - Resolution authorizing budget addition to Resolution 1971-03 for additions to Weakley County Nursing Home.
- #1971-15 - Resolution for levying local business activities tax act.
- #1971-16 - Resolution making appropriations for the various funds, departments, institutions, offices and agencies of Weakley County, Tennessee, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1971 and ending June 30, 1972.
- #1971-17 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1971.
- #1971-18 - Resolution of the quarterly court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the execution and issuance of interest bearing capital outlay notes in an amount not to exceed $137,000 by Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the retirement of said notes.
- #1971-19 - Resolution to amend the 1971-1972 General Fund budget.
OCtober 1971
- #1971-20 - Retailers Sales Tax Act
- #1971-21 - Resolution to approve and adopt standards for the selection and training of police officers in accordance with Chapter 575, Public Acts 1970, of the State of Tennessee.
- #1971-22 - Resolution that the County is losing considerable revenue through failure to collect the proper amount of cost on warrants, petitions, and executions.
- #1971-23 - Resolution of the Weakley County Quarterly Court establishing permanent committees of that body.
- #1971-24 - Resolution 1971-20 be rescinded in its entirety.
- #1971-25 - Resolution of the quarterly county court of Weakley County Tennessee, imposing a local sales and use tax.
January 1972
- #1972-01 - Civil Districts
- #1972-02 - Resolution of the Weakley County Quarterly Court establishing permanent committees of that body.
- #1972-03 - Initial resolution authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $6,800,000 refunding bonds in Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1972-04 - Resolution providing for the details of $6,800,000 Refunding Bonds of Weakley County, Tennessee, and providing for the sale thereof and the levy of taxes in connection therewith.
April 1972
- #1972-05 - Budget amendments - 1971-1972 General Fund Budget
- #1972-06 - Taxes to be released for 1970.
- #1972-07 - Resolution to amend anticipated fund availability and appropriations of the Weakley County Highway Department for fiscal 1971-72.
- #1972-08 - Petition from citizens to County Highway Department.
- #1972-09 - Weakley County Quarterly Court authorized the County Attorney to proceed with instituting writs to collect delinquent taxes and have a tax sale this year.
- #1972-10 - Budget amendments - General Purpose School Fund in food services, fixed charges, and capital outlay.
- #1972-11 - Retailers Sales Tax Act
- #1972-12 - Private Chapter No. 216 House Bill No. 1535
Commission Minutes
Commission agendas
- July 13. 1970
- October 1970
- January 1971
- April 1971
July 13, 1970
- #1970-04 - Resolution authorizing the issuance of $4,750,000 General obligation school bonds of Weakley County, Tennessee.
- #1970-05 - Resolution in memory of Judge Cayce Pentecost.
- #1970-06 - Resolution changing hours that voting polls remain open.
- #1970-07 - Resolution of Ambulance service in Weakley County.
- #1970-08 - Resolution by the Quarterly County court of Weakley County, Tennessee, authorizing the transfer of the duty and responsibility of the collections of Merchants Ad Valor-em tax from the office of County Court Clerk to the office of the County Trustee.
- #1970-09 - The Forked Deer and Obion Rivers Resolution.
- #1970-10 - Resolution fixing the Tax Levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970.
- #1970-11 - Resolution fixing the tax levy in Weakley County, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970.
October 1970
- #1970-12 - Resolution authorizing the issuance of $4,750,000 school bonds of Weakley County, Tennessee directing the sale thereof, and providing the details thereof, and providing the details thereof and a tax for the payment thereof.
- #1970-13 - Resolution authorizing the County Judge to enter into and execute intergovernmental agreements to provide for the review, coordination and area wide direction of open-space planning in Weakley County.
- #1970-14 - Resolution allowing the sheriff additional fee for boarding prisoners.
- #1970-15 - Tennessee Fish and Game Commission promulgating a regulation prohibiting the hunting of deer in Weakley County, Tennessee with high powered rifles.
January 1971
- #1971-01 - Budget Amendments - General Fund Budget.
- #1971-02 - Resolution to request our representatives in the 1971 General Assembly to enact an amendments to the Weakley County Road Law changing the annual salary of the road supervisor form $6,500 to $10,000.
- #1971-03 - Resolution of the Finance Committee of the Weakley County Quarterly Court, at the recommendation of the Weakley County Nursing Home Committee, approves the plan for the construction of an eight room addition to existing facilities.
- #1971-04 - Resolution of the Quarterly County Court of Weakley County, Tennessee authorizing the County Judge to request permission to extend the maturity date of $2,250,000 bond anticipation notes of said county.
- #1971-05 - Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of $2,250,000 Weakley County, Tennessee Bond anticipation notes and providing for the payment thereof.
- #1971-06 -
- #1971-07 -
- #1971-08 -