In accordance with the Weakley County Rules of the Commission, the Weakley County Financial Management Committee shall establish and approve policies, procedures, and regulations for implementing a sound and efficient financial system for administering the funds of the county. Such system must include budgeting, accounting, purchasing, payroll, cash management, and such other financial policies and procedures necessary to an efficient system as provided by the County Financial Management Act of 1981. The committee shall appoint a director of finance. The committee may dismiss the director subject to the approval of the county legislative body. This committee shall have the duty and authority to consider all matters concerning personnel including a study of job benefits, retirement, sick leave, advancement, hiring policies, job promotion and protection and qualifications for all employees of Weakley County. This committee shall also have the duty and authority to review bills being considered by the state legislature and make recommendations to the Commission regarding the need to pass, defeat or support legislation, including private acts, which affect Weakley County. This committee shall review any interlocal agreements between Weakley County and other county or municipal governments. This committee shall be the liaison with the County Attorney on legal matters in which the County government may from time to time become involved. The Chairperson of the Financial Management Committee shall confer with the County Attorney about such matters and convene the full committee when he deems it to be necessary. The Financial Management Committee shall recommend a person to serve as County Attorney at the regular January meeting of the Commission. The County Commission shall elect four (4) persons at its regular September session of each year or at any subsequent session, as members of the county financial management committee, to serve along with the County Mayor, Highway Supervisor, and the Director of Schools. The four (4) elected members need not be members of the county legislative body. The committee elects its own Chairperson from its membership. The Director of Finance shall serve as ex officio secretary of the committee. The term of the members of the financial management committee elected by the county legislative body is one (1) year. The terms of the remaining members are coextensive with the terms of their respective offices. This committee shall have primary responsibility to review and respond to comments and findings contained in the annual audit of Weakley County.
weakley county FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT committee minutes
Weakley County Government's Fiscal Year begins on July 1st of each year and ends on June 30th of the following year, and the minutes provided here are displayed accordingly. To report an error, please email the webmaster: [email protected]
2024-2025 FY
- July 17, 2024
- September 9, 2024
- November 1, 2024
- January 9, 2025
2021-2022 FY
- January 10, 2022
2020-2021 FY
- November 9, 2020
- January 12, 2021
2019-2020 FY
- September 3, 2019
2018-2019 FY
2017-2018 FY
2016-2017 FY
2015-2016 FY
- March 7, 2016
- May 16, 2016