* The Local Government Modernization Act of 2005 encourages counties to form an audit committee, and the comptroller of the treasury may require it if a local government is not in compliance with Government Accounting and Standards Board (GASB) standards or has recurring findings of material weakness in internal control for three or more consecutive years. This committee is created by the county legislative body, which selects the members. The members of this committee must be external to the management and may be members of the county legislative body, citizens or a combination of both. Since the statute does not specify the number of members on this committee this is determined by the county legislative body. The duties of this committee are to be established in a resolution approved first by the comptroller and then by the county legislative body. The audit committee responsibilities include, at a minimum, financial and other reporting practices, internal control, compliance with laws and regulations and ethics. T.C.A. § 9-3-405. The audit committee is also required to establish a process for employees, taxpayers, and citizens to report suspected fraudulent, illegal, wasteful, or improper activity confidentially to the audit committee. If the chair believes the activity may have occurred, the chair is required to report it to the comptroller. The detailed information received and generated pursuant to a report of suspected activity is not an open record. T.C.A. § 9-3-406.
* Reference: County Technical Assistance Service [CTAS] 505
All audits have been retrieved and are also posted posted on the Tennessee Comptroller's Website. The audited financial statements contained in the listed audit reports are provided as a matter of convenience. They speak as of June 30th for the fiscal year to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the audited agencies since the dates the last audits were performed. However, the Division of Local Government Audit currently does not publish financial statements other than the audited financial statements as of June 30th for each fiscal year.
* Reference: County Technical Assistance Service [CTAS] 505
All audits have been retrieved and are also posted posted on the Tennessee Comptroller's Website. The audited financial statements contained in the listed audit reports are provided as a matter of convenience. They speak as of June 30th for the fiscal year to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the audited agencies since the dates the last audits were performed. However, the Division of Local Government Audit currently does not publish financial statements other than the audited financial statements as of June 30th for each fiscal year.
Chris Mathis, CPA
Martin, TN
Audit Committee Chairperson
Larry Taylor, Weakley County Commissioner
Former State of Tennessee Auditor
Mr. Jack Reese, CPA
Cowart-Reese- Sargent, Martin, TN
Ms. Lee Young
Keith Kemp Accounting, Dresden, TN
Mrs. Bethany Elam, CMA, EA
Greenfield, TN
Martin, TN
Audit Committee Chairperson
Larry Taylor, Weakley County Commissioner
Former State of Tennessee Auditor
Mr. Jack Reese, CPA
Cowart-Reese- Sargent, Martin, TN
Ms. Lee Young
Keith Kemp Accounting, Dresden, TN
Mrs. Bethany Elam, CMA, EA
Greenfield, TN
weakley county AUDIT committee minutes
Weakley County Government's Fiscal Year begins on July 1st of each year and ends on June 30th of the following year, and the minutes provided here are displayed accordingly. To report an error, please email the webmaster: [email protected]
2024-2025 FY
- (coming soon)
2020-2021 FY
- Audit Committee will meet May 2021
2019-2020 FY
- Coming May 2020
- June 24, 2020
2018-2019 FY
- May 14, 2019 [Not approved until next called session]
2017-2018 FY
2016-2017 FY
2015-2016 FY