Offered Services
Interviews and counsels veterans and their dependents concerning benefits such as pensions, compensation, education, hospitalization, insurance, home loans, DD-214 discharges, medical care and veteran preference. Prepares formal claims and compiles appropriate supporting documents and evidence in support of claims for presentation to the appropriate agency.
The office is currently staffed by Keith Dunning as the Service Officer and Randi Storye as the Administrative Assistant. Connect with us on Facebook: |
Weakley County Veterans Affairs
Services Officer - Keith Dunning
116 W. Main St. Room #107
Dresden, TN 38225
731-364-5727 (p) • 731-364-0149 (fax)
[email protected]
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M - F
[Closed 1 hour for lunch]
Services Officer - Keith Dunning
116 W. Main St. Room #107
Dresden, TN 38225
731-364-5727 (p) • 731-364-0149 (fax)
[email protected]
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M - F
[Closed 1 hour for lunch]